According to Eurostat 2018 data, Italy is the European country with the highest percentage of NEETs (23.4%), that is, young people between 15 and 29 years of age who are not working, studying or receiving training. The 2017 Youth Report finds that more than half of male NEETs (53.7%) and more than a third of female NEETs (31.9%) would immediately accept if offered a job.
The two main objectives of WP3 are:
- to encourage the acquisition of specific skills and knowledge to improve the employability of young people who are neither studying nor working (NEETs);
- to assess the quality and effectiveness of distance learning courses for the inclusion of NEETs.
The ultimate aim is to explore, analyze and evaluate the potential of using massive open online courses (MOOCs) to support NEETs in learning entrepreneurship skills that would facilitate their integration into the labor market.
- What are the best practices for combating the social and economic exclusion of young people through the use of new technologies and distance education?
- What skills are needed for the inclusion of NEETs in the workforce?
- How effective is distance learning for young people who are not working or studying, in terms of integrating them into the workforce?
100 NEETs and young people at risk of dropping out of school and/or training, aged between 18 and 29. These young NEETs are being recruited through social media as well as job placement centers and local public and third-sector agencies dedicated to re-integrating young people into training. The WP will identify companies and entities that can support the project by offering internships and possible job placement based on the topics covered by MOOCs.
The project is organized into multiple phases: initially, both unemployed and not-unemployed young people are being interviewed along with the representatives of companies potentially interested in employing young people. Subsequently, a segment of the young people interviewed will take part in an experiment that consists in participating in a MOOC (5 study hours per week for 10-12 weeks) under the supervision of specialized tutors. During this phase, the researchers will carry out a selection process to identify the individuals who will actually take part in an internship at the companies contacted in the initial phase. Finally, the impact of the trial in terms of employability and social inclusion will be assessed.
According to the Youth Report (2017) 78.1% of female NEETs and 45.9% of male NEETs stated that proximity to home is an important factor in accepting a job and 81.7% of female NEETs and 48.6% of male NEETs stressed that it is important for them to be able to achieve a work-life balance. In light of this finding, this project aims to support NEETs in pursuing distance learning that can help them to locate and secure jobs by effectively enhancing their employability. In addition, the project aims to conduct a pilot test to assess the quality and effectiveness of mass distance learning courses for the inclusion of NEETs, a topic that has received virtually no attention in the literature. A pilot of a MOOC was started with a group of young people, which allowed for an open training course (in italian) available on the link below.
Research area WP3 Inclusion of Young People is coordinated by Roma Tre University
Research Areas
Civic and social
To understand how curricular and extra-curricular activities promote the social-civic engagement of students of all levels through educational and research pathways.
Educational frailty and antisocial, aggressive and violent behavior among adolescents. A participatory research-action carried out with educators and teachers in Naples and Irpinia.
Inclusion of
young people
Social and economic exclusion of young people. Pilot study to assess the potential of MOOCs to support young people neither studying nor working (NEET) with training and labor market integration.
and Minors
A psychoeducational analysis of the adaptation process using a multi-method approach.
© Re-serves
"REsearch at the SERVice of Educational FragilitieS", is a Project of Significant National Interest (PRIN) financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and approved under the SH (Social Sciences and Humanities) category, SH3 (Environment, Space and Population) sector through Convention No. 2017XPN3W9. The project is scheduled to last 3 years (2019-2022).
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