MOOC for NEETs. E-learning, social and working inclusion

10th-12th December 2021- 4th International Academic Conference on Education, Barcelona
Lisa Stillo, University of Rome 3

This paper aims to present the first analysis of a research about the social and working exclusion of young people who are not in education, engaged or training (NEET). Today, the NEETs population is increasingly rising, and the Covid-19 crisis has further worsened this condition (Ilo, 2020). After the pandemic, NEETs rate increased by 1.2% across Europe, and Italy has the highest number of NEETS (29,4%) in the UE; the majority of whom are women (35%) (Eurostat, 2021) and with higher percentages in southern Italy. Living conditions of NEETs are very heterogeneous, so that it is difficult to hypothesize specific solutions for their needs (Agnoli, 2014). This research, which is part of a PRIN project (Project of Relevant National Interest) named “RE-SERVES”, consists in an e-learning training project (MOOC: massive online open course) aimed at developing some soft skills and specific competences of the NEETs population. This paper specifically aims to illustrate first of all the criticalities of the concept “NEET”; secondly, the findings of the questionnaire, that has been administered to various companies of different sectors in order to analyze the required skills in the labour market; and finally, the structure of the MOOC, which is based on a review of the specific scientific literature and on the results of the questionnaire