

DIGITAL HUMANISM Summer School 2022 September 19-23, Austria Website: We live in a “digital” world, the separation between physical and virtual makes (almost) no sense anymore. Here, the Corona pandemic…
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Intelligenza artificiale ed etica

L’Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) supporta già gran parte delle nostre attività quotidiane e ci aiuta a prendere decisioni più informate.  Nella attuale situazione con la pandemia, varie tecniche di IA, supportate…
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Neural Mechanisms Online 2022 Calendar!

Dear everybody, we are excited to announce that Neural Mechanisms Online is about to enter its fifth year of activity with a brand new series of webinars! Webinars are…
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Talk on “Limiting the user’s good life while aiming to increase well-being. An overlooked ethical issue of digital well-being technologies” by Eleonora Viganò U. Zurich) [Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 14:00 (2pm) CET, presence/Zoom]

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We are happy to announce that our series of seminars on the foundations and ethics of AI is back. Called LUMI (Lugano-Milano seminars on AI), the series,  whenever possible, will…
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