The ENLIVEN project run over three years (2016-2019) and was funded under the Research and Innovation Action of the European Union, Call for proposals H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2015. Grant Agreement no. 693989.
The project overarching objective was to provide an innovative model and mechanism to support policy debate, policy formation and policy evaluation in lifelong learning, focussing on the needs of today’s young adults, and integrating theoretical and empirical perspectives from social and computer sciences. It has generated an evidence-based analysis of where, when and why policies have been effective, and developped a computer-based intelligent system to improve policy-making. The project draw on two research fields – social science and computer science – and combined expertise from both. Partner research institutions were located in nine countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, and United Kingdom); some research tasks were also undertaken under specific arrangements with researchers at two Danish universities.
Several members of the IRC-GloCoPos were involved in the project, and related project-activities. Articles and book chapters they contributed to are listed under “Publications”.
For more information about ENLIVEN visit the project website: