Words matter. For a city that does not discriminate

Thursday 6 June at 2.30 p.m., Sala Farinati, Civic Library, Via Cappello 43

Words matter: for a city that does not discriminate

Introductory greetings and presentation of the initiative:

Jacopo Buffolo (councillor for Equal Opportunities): introductory greeting.

Elena Crestan (vice-president CUG): Presentation of the Single Guarantee Committee

Francesca Vecchioni (Diversity Lab and author of the book ‘Pregiudizi inconsapevoli. Perché i luoghi comuni sono sempre così affollati’)

in dialogue with Chiara Sità and Federica de Cordova (PoliTeSse, University of Verona).

With the participation of representatives of the coordination table with LGBTQIA+ associations.

Le parole sono importanti – locandina_vert.

