The Research Center PoliTeSse

Politics and Theories of Sexuality has research, educational, and consultancy purposes.

The Research Center PoliTeSse – Politics and Theories of Sexuality

The Research Center PoliTeSse – Politics and Theories of Sexuality has research, educational, and consultancy purposes. PoliTeSse is formed by professors and researchers who, with both theoretical and practical goals, investigate the phenomena related to human sexuality in their philosophical, juridical, religious, ethical and biological, anthropological, cultural, sociological, pedagogical, medical and historical aspects. The Center stands for the values of human dignity and integrity as stated in the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights – arguing that fundamental human rights should include self-determination of gender identity and sexual orientation, and thus the rights to health and safety of sexual minorities and combating sexism in all its forms.


Gender, Sexuality, and Politics Workshop 2024-2025

The Gender, Sexuality, and Politics Workshop this year will focus on the theme “Bodies with Organs: Psychosociopolitical Anatomies”. From February 18 to March 26, 2025, twelve sessions of three hours…


How LGBTQIA+ people survive and associate in a country with a very high rate of homo-lesbo-bi-transphobia   On the occasion of the International Day against Transphobia (Transgender Day of Remembrance),…