
How LGBTQIA+ people survive and associate in a country with a very high rate of homo-lesbo-bi-transphobia


On the occasion of the International Day against Transphobia (Transgender Day of Remembrance), Mercury and PoliTeSse in collaboration with the Verona LGBTQIA+ Table and the Verona City Council Equal Opportunities Office, meet Mr. Morrison, human rights and LGBTQIA+ activist in Nigeria.


Mr. Morrison, a Nigerian health and sexual minority rights activist, holds a degree in Applied Biochemistry. With over ten years in NGOs, he has worked with local and international organisations. His passion for addressing the right to health and against discrimination and marginalisation has honed his leadership skills. Morrison has worked as a peer educator and community mobiliser in Global Fund and USAID projects. He founded and runs MSHR Nigeria, which provides mobile health services to sexual minorities using a community approach. His work promotes equality, justice and inclusive health care.


20th November 2024
Time 4.45-7.00 pm
Room SMT.07
Polo Santa Marta

