The RE-SERVES project aims to better comprehend the intersection of vulnerability, marginality and education through the analysis and problematization of current educational practices in a variety of contexts both in and outside school. Based on this knowledge, RE-SERVES intends to propose an interpretative framework for designing new educational policies and practices.
Civic and social
To understand how curricular and extra-curricular activities promote the social-civic engagement of students of all levels through educational and research pathways.
Educational frailty and antisocial, aggressive and violent behavior among adolescents. A participatory research-action carried out with educators and teachers in Naples and Irpinia.
Inclusion of
young people
Social and economic exclusion of young people. Pilot study to assess the potential of MOOCs to support young people neither studying nor working (NEET) with training and labor market integration.
and minors
A psychoeducational analysis of the adaptation process using a multi-method approach.
EN Conferenze
EN L’apprendimento permanente per un’Europa più inclusiva: I giovani adulti tra politiche comunitarie e pratiche nazionali
La partecipazione è gratuita, ma è necessario registrarsi entro il 5giugno 2019. Leggi il programma e compila il modulo on-line.
EN L’apprendimento permanente per un’Europa più inclusiva: I giovani adulti tra politiche comunitarie e pratiche nazionali
La partecipazione è gratuita, ma è necessario registrarsi entro il 5giugno 2019. Leggi il programma e compila il modulo on-line.
© Re-serves
"REsearch at the SERVice of Educational FragilitieS", is a Project of Significant National Interest (PRIN) financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and approved under the SH (Social Sciences and Humanities) category, SH3 (Environment, Space and Population) sector through Convention No. 2017XPN3W9. The project is scheduled to last 3 years (2019-2022).
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