Research action 1
Education in friendship to build the common good
Two different lines of action have been planned.
With regard to the design of educational activities:
- analysis of the literature on citizenship and friendship education practices;
- design and implementation of educational activities with children and youth: conversations involving Socratic dialogue, conceptual practices, listening and storytelling, play-based or multimedia activities, problem-solving activities, and reflexive diary writing;
As for purely heuristic activities, the WP involves:
- data collection through observation, audio-video recordings, collection of children’s writings, and interviews;
- analysis using the phenomenological-grounded method.
Research action 2
Educational institutions’ relationships with the community
Empirical research activities include carrying out a multi-case study using document analysis, interviews with managers, teachers, students and school educational workers in the local area, observing moments in the life of the school and administering questionnaires to students. The empirical research is preceded by a systematic analysis of the literature concerning collaboration between schools and communities in the promotion of civic-social engagement.