About us
Main research areas
1 – Language and communication acquisition and development in different contexts.
Studies investigate the processes of language and communication acquisition and development in their different components, and the role of perceptual-motor, cognitive and social aspects. The research involves the use of observational methodologies to analyze children’s interactions with adults and peers in different contexts, experimental procedures, and standardized assessments. Research findings may have implications for clinical and educational practice, particularly for atypical and at-risk populations. Indeed, they may provide insights for the design and testing of supportive interventions for parents and teachers, in collaboration with local educational and health services.
2 – Emergent literacy skills and abilities related to the use of new technologies.
Studies analyze the relationship between language and literacy skills in typically and atypically developing children in preschool (emergent literacy) and in the early years of primary school. The research examines language abilities and both traditional literacy skills and literacy skills involving the use of and exposure to digital technologies, adopting correlational, quasi-experimental, and intervention research designs. Research findings have relevant theoretical and practical implications for the identification and prevention of language and learning-related fragilities, including in relation to the impact of new technologies.
3 – Infant Research.
Studies investigate children’s early processes of psychological development, focusing on the dynamics of adult-child interaction. The main goal is to shed light on factors underlying individual differences in developmental trajectories. The scope of investigation includes studies that explore the interaction between linguistic-communicative components and cognitive and relational aspects, using observational and experimental methodologies with populations with different developmental profiles.
4 – Rhythmic-musical aspects and communicative development.
Studies analyze the relationship between rhythmic-musical factors and the language and communicative development of children. The research studies adopt experimental procedures and standardized instruments for the assessment of various musical aspects (ability, exposure) and/or observational methodologies for the analysis of the child’s interaction with adults and peers and the child’s linguistic and communicative development, and involve the use of ad-hoc musical interventions. The results may offer important information for clinical practice and educational services and for the creation and testing of interventions to support children’s language and communication development in synergy with the children’s families.
International Collaborations
The Lab maintains a network of international collaborations, including: Erika Hoff (Florida Atlantic University, USA), Roberta Michnick Golinkoff (Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Chair and Professor in the School of Education at the University of Delaware, USA), Reyna L. Gordon (Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Vanderbilt Genetics Institute, Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Department of Psychology at Vanderbilt University, USA), Caroline Fitzpatrick (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada), and Kate Cain (Lancaster University, UK).
Training Activities.
The Lab provides training activities and the possibility to participate in research activities, both on the field and in the laboratory, for Master’s degree students (for their internship and/or thesis), trainees in Psychology, and PhD students. The SLD-Lab team is also involved in training activities for educators/teachers working in nursery schools and kindergartens.
Beatrice Andalò
Chiara Barachetti
Tamara Bastianello
Elena Florit
Manuela Lavelli
Marinella Majorano
Giuseppina Messetti
Ambra Natati
Valentina Persici
Irene Redondi
Michela Santangelo
Academic collaborators and partners
- Erika Hoff, Ph.D. (Full Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, USA). Webpage: https://psy.fau.edu/languagedevelopmentlab/people.php
- Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D. (Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Chair and Professor in the School of Education at the University of Delaware, USA). Webpage: https://roberta-golinkoff.com/
- Kate Cain, Ph.D. (Professor of Language and Literacy, Department of Psychology, University of Lancaster, UK). Webpages: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/psychology/about-us/people/kate-cain and http://wp.lancs.ac.uk/language-literacy/
- Stefanie Höhl, Ph.D. (Full Professor, University of Vienna, Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology). Webpage: https://psychologie.univie.ac.at/en/research/labs/wieki-lab-wiener-kinderstudien/
- Reyna L. Gordon, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Vanderbilt Genetics Institute, Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Department of Psychology at Vanderbilt University, USA). Webpage: https://www.vumc.org/music-cognition-lab/person/reyna-l-gordon-phd
- Miriam D. Lense, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, Department of Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, USA). Webpage: https://www.vumc.org/music-cognition-lab/person/miriam-lense-phd
- Thierry Nazzi, Ph.D. (Researcher, Language and Cognition Team, Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center (INCC), Paris, France). Webpages: https://incc-paris.fr/people/thierry-nazzi https://baby.biomedicale.parisdescartes.fr
- Laurienne Cabrera (Researcher, Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center (INCC), Paris, France. Webpage: https://baby.biomedicale.parisdescartes.fr/en/member/laurianne-cabrera
- Caroline Fitzpatrick (Associate Professor, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada). Webpage: https://grise.ca/en/team/caroline-fitzpatrick/
- Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, Ph.D. (Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado Boulder, USA). Webpage: https://www.colorado.edu/ics/christine-yoshinaga-itano
- Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D. (Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology, NYSPI, Columbia University, USA). Webpage: https://childadolescentpsych.cumc.columbia.edu/professionals/research-programs/communication-sciences-lab
- Marilyn Vihman, Ph.D. (Professor of Linguistics, University of York, Department of Language and Linguistic Science, UK). Webpage: https://www.york.ac.uk/language/people/academic-research/marilyn-vihman/
- Municipality of Verona
- Grazia Corda, Educational services in Verona
- Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital in Piacenza
- Cochlear S.r.l.
- Progetto Crescere in Reggio Emilia
- Studio Evolvendo in Mantua
- Dott.ssa Cristina Brotto (Logopedista) www.officinadiparole.com
- Soste S.R.L., Piazza Petrini, 3 – fraz. Canezza 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) http://www.soste.eu