An Intervention to Promote Movement in Green Environments at Childcare Center: Benefits for Motor, Cognitive and Socio-emotional Development (I-MovE)

The COVID-19 outbreak, specifically confinement and extended school closure, amplified the economic, social and technological changes that, over the last several decades, have negatively affected the healthy habits of families and children in terms of physical activity and exposure to natural green environments. These adverse changes have resulted in children’s lower motor competence and poorer cognitive and socio-emotional skills, negative impacts on children’s general well-being and social cohesion and inclusion as well as public health.

In line with the strategic orientations of the European Commission (Horizon Europe 2021-2027, Cluster 1 and 2) and the Italian Government (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza”, Mission 4 and 5), this Joint Research (2021) project focuses on children’s motor skills and exposure to green environments as tools for promoting physical and psychological well-being in children attending childcare centres (0-3 years). The project, which is founded by the University of Verona, Department of Human Sciences and A.S.D Bambini al Centro (Bussolengo, VR), specifically aims to build a prototype of actions to promote early motor development indoors vs outdoors in collaboration with educators of childcare centers. To this end, (a) a physical education intervention will be developed by the academic team and the main partner, a sports association based in the province of Verona, and (b) implemented by educators and tested for efficacy. The effects of indoors vs outdoors intervention on motor development and socio-emotional and cognitive development of children will be analyzed using a pre-post intervention design with a control group.

The project will allow the academic team and the main external partner to extend and disseminate key knowledge to promote children’s health and well-being, to address inequalities and empower citizens to act in the green transition.

Infancy; toddlerhood; intervention program; motor; executive functions; socioemotional competence; outdoors; childcare center

Principal Investigator

Project Participants

18 months (February 2022- )

Florit, E., Bastianello, T., Andalò, B., & Majorano, M. (under review). I-MovE. An intervention to promote movement at childcare centers: benefits for motor cognitive and socio-emotional development.

Bastianello, T., Andalò, B., Majorano, M., Florit, E. (2023). L’intervento di educazione motoria I-MovE: Effetti sullo sviluppo di bambini/e in età del nido. Congresso Nazionale AIP (September 25-27, 2023, Foggia, Italy).
