September 22nd, 2021: Arendt in the Time of the Pandemic

Reading Arendt in the Time of the Pandemic: Vulnerability and Democracy

Wednesday, September 22nd
03:00 PM Rome
3-5 pm CET / 2-4 BST / 9-11 New York
(via Zoom)


Online roundtable to launch and discuss the English translation of Adriana Cavarero’s latest book Surging Democracy: Notes on Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought, Stanford University Press, 2021 (first published in Italian for Raffaello Cortina, 2019).

The event will be held via Zoom and is co-organized by: Hannah Arendt Center for Political Studies (Verona); Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (Brighton); Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College (Annandale-On-Hudson, NY); Richard Saltoun Gallery (London).

The discussion focuses on the ongoing significance of Hannah Arendt’s work for feminist conceptualisations of democracy. For both Arendt and Cavarero, political community emerges in-between people who actively reveal their uniqueness to one another in the material here-and-now. In light of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the risk of pandemics to come, how is politics and the “public happiness” of democracy to be practised when the proximity of embodied beings becomes a potentially fatal risk? How might recent feminist theories of vulnerability, including those developed by Cavarero, help us make sense of the political stakes of our pandemic times?

Find the LINK at the end of the following webpage:
