Equal families, for a city that does not discrimate

As part of the events for the day against homolesbobitransphobia promoted by Verona City Council, the Research Centre PoliTeSse and the LGBT+ associations of Verona present: “Equal families, for a city that does not discriminate” at the Aula Magna Giurisprudenza (via Carlo Montanari 9).

9.00 Institutional greetings

9.15 Federica de Cordova, Chiarà Sità, Irene Villa (PoliTeSse Research Centre)

9.30 World-Café “What is family?” with students from the third and fourth high school classes organised by the LGBT+ associations of Verona

11.30 Testimonies of daughters and sons of homogenitorial families

During the event graphic works developed by classes 3O and 3G of Liceo Artistico of Verona will be exhibited.
