From Objects of Care to Subjects of Desire. Women and Men with Disabilities talk about Sex

Which bodies can be “sexual”? How much does sexuality matter to being “real men” and “real women”? The sexuality of people with disabilities is a taboo: normative sex requires the use of able, healthy and possibly beautiful bodies. Many do assume that disabled bodies cannot be subjects and objects of desire because of a social process of de-sexualization: yet this barrier does not derive from those bodies as such, but from certain politics and cultures. The passage from objects of care to subjects of desire will take place only when these subjects themselves will be actively involved in processes of decision making, in cultural and scientific production and in disability policy making. This meeting constitutes a moment of education and debate on the relationship between sexuality and disability, through the participation of activists, researchers and journalists.

Elia A.G. Arfini, Adriana Bellotti, Pia Covre, Silvia Migliaccio, Max Ulivieri

15.30, room 1.6 (first floor)
University of Verona, Polo Zanotto
Via San Francesco 22, Verona

Poster of the conference

