Gender by Lorenzo Bernini. Presentation of the book with the author

Wednesday 29th November 6 pm at Libre! bookshop and cooperative, Interrato Acqua Morta, 38 (Verona).

Irene Villa will dialogue with the author.

Gender theory, gender ideology, or even gender. This rhetorical construct has been raging in the public discourse for about a decade, functioning as a propaganda glue that unifies the reaction against the achievements of the feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements and creating tensions even within these movements. This volume brings together ten popular and personal contributions on the subject, aimed at demystifying and clarifying, but without simplifying or minimizing the scope of the ongoing political struggle and symbolic revolution. Within its pages you will find radical and unsurprising hypotheses about the relationship between gender, sex, and politics, along with historical and conceptual tools indispensable for navigating the present.

