Lesbians do not exist in history, each one must impose its own existence, overcome the frontier of compulsory heterosexuality, overcome the perception of being the only one in the world to feel an unexpected desire. Overcoming the social and cultural obligation to heterosexuality, in our country as elsewhere, was only possible through the construction of a movement.
Elena Biagini will discuss her book, L’emersione imprevista. Il movimento delle lesbiche in Italia negli anni ’70 e ’80 (Ets 2018) Non Una di Meno Verona.
In collaboration with Libre Verona, Circolo Pink, Pianeta Milk – Verona Lgbt Center Arci-Arcigay. This events is organized in the framework of the Verona Pride.
Libreria Libre!
Interrato dell’Acqua Morta 38
Book cover
Elena Biagini Emersione imprevista_[bytes].jpg
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