Trans rights, institutional pathways confronted

Under the Patronage of the Municipality of Verona
LGBTQIA+ associations invite you to the event

“Trans rights, institutional pathways confronted”
Sunday 26 November 2023 – ore 4.30 pm
Conference Room N. Tommasoli Center – Borgo Santa Croce

On the occasion of T-DoR, Transgender day of Remembrance 2023, we meet in Verona with Monica Romano, council member of the City of Milan, Alessandro Zan, member of the Chamber of Deputies, and Jacopo Buffolo, councilor for Equal Opportunities of the City of Verona.

How can the administration of a large city be a promoter of cultural and political change at the local level? How can other cities, with center-left juntas but which have historically been governed by the right, also foster a paradigm shift relative to the perception of LGBTQIA+ people?

What are the opportunities and critical issues in policy at the national level for trans identities at such a particular moment in history, after the sinking of the DDL against homolesbobitransphobia?

We believe that this initiative can be a cultural opportunity to explore trans issues, a question little addressed in our city, and can help bring citizens closer to knowing identities that are often told through stereotypes that alienate. November 20th is T-DoR, Transgender day of Remembrance, so victims of transphobic violence will be remembered at the initiative.

Monica Romano’s book Indietro non si torna. Il lungo cammino dei diritti civili delle persone LGBT+ in Italia. Una storia personale, una battaglia politica, 2023, TEA editions, Preface by Alessandro Zan.

Sunday 26th November 2023 – ore 4.30 pm
Conference Room N. Tommasoli Center – Borgo Santa Croce

Promoter: Circolo Pink LGBTE Verona, Sat Pink, Pianeta Milk, EIMI’ Verona, Famiglie Arcobaleno, Agedo, PoliTeSse – Centro di Ricerca Politiche e Teorie della Sessualità Università di Verona
