Trauma, memory, reparation: the lessons of Black feminism

Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfaù, Marie Moïse
and Lorenzo Bernini

A common thread connects coloniality, slavery and racism in a suspended time in which past and present reactivate each other. From a Black feminist perspective, memory becomes a lens of analysis, a site of resistance, and a precondition for repairing the possibility of a future. Grada Kilomba’s work on colonial trauma and gendered racism converges with the analyses of Angela Davis, Hortense Spillers, and Gloria Wekker to argue that the construction of bonds of (symbolic, intellectual, and affective) sisterhood and filiation represents the subversion of a regime of alienation and uprooting. Transmitting the wound does not mean reproducing it, but making it the subject of healing practices.

Room SMT6 – Polo Santa Marta
Via Cantarane 2 – Verona
Places are limited. For reservations: Green pass required.


Poster of the conference

recording of the conference:


