For too long modern political thinking has been concealing sexual difference beneath the universal and abstract principle of equality among individuals. The àltera / PoliTeSse book series interrogates the relation between power and sexuality from the perspective of women and LGBTQIA+ subjects, thereby offering new interpretations on subjectivity, collectivity, culture, and political action. The book series targets both researchers and the broader audience of activists, as well as anyone who is interested in understanding pressing political and social phenomena of the present. Within scholarly debates, it intends to promote the academic value of feminist thought, gender studies, and queer theories.

Steering committee: Lorenzo Bernini, Olivia Guaraldo, Massimo Prearo.

Scientific committee: Adriana Cavarero, Liana Borghi, Judith Butler, Daniel Borrillo, Lee edelman, David M. Halperin, Enda Mccaffrey, Marco Pustianaz, Gayle Rubin, Joan Scott, Susan Stryker, Maria Tamboukou.

