Egon Botteghi, MA in Philosophy with a thesis on the importance of using metaphors in the construction of scientific thinking. Co-founder of the “Intersexioni” and “Anguane” collectives, anti-specist activist, in 2008 was a co-founder of the first livestock shelters in Italy. Representative for trans parenting at “Rete Genitori Rainbow” association (Rainbow Parents Network). Creator of the “Liberazione Generale” (General Liberation) project, a series of day studies on political practice (Florence 2013 and Verona 2014) on the correlations between animal liberation, homo/transphobia, sexism, and intersex rights. Author of some theatrical pieces on transgenderism like “Mi chiamo Egon. Diario di un uomo transessuale” (My name is Egon. Diary of a transsexual man), debuted in Pisa in May 2015.

Currently collaborates with the City Hall of Livorno as an educator on project about diversity and inclusion and manages the trans* help desk of L’Approdo, a LGBTQ+ counselling centre in Livorno.
