Massimo Prearo is a political scientist, member, and scientific coordinator of the research center PoliTeSse – Politics and Theories of Sexuality at the University of Verona (Italy). He has been studying LGBTQIA+ movements in France and in Italy for almost 20 years. Within this field he has also conducted a political ethnography on how the State deals with LGBTQIA+ migrants. Since 2015, he has studied the so-called “anti-gender” movements in Italy, and in particular the intertwining between the religious and the political dimensions of the mobilization in the Italian context. He is now involved in a new research project on the emergence and the implementation of LGBT+ equality policies in Italy, but also at the European level. After having specialized in the social movement analysis, he is now studying the institutional and political side of LGBT+ issues. His latest book L’ipotesi neocattolica. Politologia dei movimenti anti-gender (2020), has also been published in French (Editions de l’ULB, 2023), and in a fully revised and updated version in English, as Anti-gender Mobilizations, Religion and Politics: an Italian Case Study (Routledge, 2024).

He is currently Principal Investigator of the LGBTIQ+POL project – The institutionalization of LGBTIQ+ equality in EU countries between advancements and oppositions: policies, actors, arenas – European Union funding – NextGenerationEU, M4C2, 1.1, PRIN PNRR 2022 (University of Verona, University of Pavia and University of Trieste).

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