Sociologist and feminist, Sara Garbagnoli is a researcher associated to the Laboratoire d’Études de Genre et de Sexualité – LEGS (C.N.R.S., Université Paris 8, Université Paris Nanterre). Her research interests lie at the intersections of feminist theory, discourse analysis and sociology of social movements, focusing on the historical process of emergence of the field of gender studies and the resistances opposing to it. With Eva Feole she is the author of Monique Wittig (DeriveApprodi 2023) and coedited with Titti De Simone, Porpora Marcasciano and Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani the collective volume Le rivoluzioni del desiderio (Fandango 2023). With Massimo Prearo she is the author of La croisade « anti-gender » (Textuel 2017). With Vincenza Perilli she has coedited a collection of articles on materialist feminism Non si nasce donna (Alegre 2013). She has participated to the books Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe: Mobilizations Against Equality edited by R. Kuhar and D. Paternotte (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017) and Antiféminismes et masculinismes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui edited by C. Bard, M. Blais and F. Dupuis-Déri (Presses Universitaires de France, 2019). Her publications include numerous articles in academic journals such as «Nouvelles Questions Féministes», «Religion & Gender», «Les Cahiers du Genre», «Genesis», «About Gender». She has written for Open Democracy, Jacobin Italia, Il Manifesto, AOC, Médiapart, La Déferlante. She has translated and prefaced Colette Guillaumin’s books: L’idéologie raciste (L’ideologia razzista, Il nuovo melangolo, 2023) and Sexe, race et pratique du pouvoir (Sesso, razza e pratica del potere, Ombre Corte, 2020, with V. Ribeiro Corossacz and V. Perilli). For her research work in the field of gender studies, she has been awarded the Emma Goldman Award by the Flax Foundation.
