Igor Pelgreffi

PhD in philosophy, he has a master degree in Philosophy (Verona) and in Engineering (Bologna). He currently teaches in high schools and is an adjunct professor of “Ethics and Law of Data Protection” at the University of Verona. In addition to Ethos, he is a member of the Research Centers Officine Filosofiche (Alma Mater Studiorum) and Tiresia (Verona), and qualified (ASN) as a 2nd level professor in Moral Philosophy, Theoretical and Aesthetic Philosophy and Theory of Languages. He is editor of the scientific journals “Lo Sguardo”, “Kaiak”, “Azimuth. Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age ”. For KE Edizioni he directs the series “Scritture” and, with V. Cuomo, “Estetica e Teoria delle Arti”).


In his research he has dealt with contemporary philosophy, especially in the French area. Formerly, he explored the question of writing (in Derrida, Nancy, Zizek, Stiegler and, recently, Gargani) understood as a technical but also existential support of philosophical practice [Scrittura e filosofia (2014), Slavoj Žižek (2014); La scrittura dell’autos. Derrida e l’autobiografia (2015)], as well as the question of practices and techniques in relation to the constitution of philosophy: autobiography, interview, video-interview, processes of subjectivation in digital “writing” environments, including research on the meaning and value of interfaces, in particular screens, in their various implications, including anthropological and aesthetic ones [Il pensiero e il suo schermo. Morfologie filosofiche fra cinema e nuovi media (2013); Il filosofo e il suo schermo. Video-interviste confessioni monologhi (2016)].
Hence, he developed an interest in the question of the body, involuntary and automatism within a more general reflection on ethics and technique [Filosofia dell’automatismo. Verso un’etica della corporeità (2018)]. The kernel is to understand the ways in which the repetition and standardization devices cross the dimension of corporeity, both in the interaction with technical repetition and, more generally, with socio-digital dynamics. The aim is to show, throughout the theme of automation and de-automation options, how this complexity affects the mutual interactions between nature and technology, between ecology and digital evironement [Ecologia. Teoria, natura, politica (2018); Il corpo come soglia tra ecologia e digitalizzazione. Ripetizione e apprendimento critico (2021); È possibile una tecnica ecologica? Ipotesi su incorporazione, ripetizione, differenza (2019)]. Here comes the interest in questions of machine ethics, roboethics and the problems raised by automatism in relation to mechanical automation [Ambiente digitale, automatismi e corporeità (2020); Bernard Stiegler e la critica della società automatica (2019); Habitus and Learning. Notes on repetition, body and change (2020); Algorithm. Geneaology, Theory, Critique, eds. with U. Fadini and M. Badino (forthcoming 2022)].
In more recent years, the relationships between the living body, technique and disautomatization have also been investigated through other perspectives, such as that of the dynamics of forms, as in the perspective of “Differential Heterogenesis”, in collaboration with groups of research at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, coordinated by Alessandro Sarti. The problem of automatism and of an alternative form within repetition can be completely rethought, in a critical sense, on the basis of a thought of the living and of the differential forces that form systems of complex morphogenetic relations with the dynamics of the artificial, that is of the algorithmic repetition imposed, from various points of view, including political [L’hétérogènese différentielle. Formes en devenir entre mathématiques, philosophie et politique, with A. Sarti (2020); Eterogenesi differenziale, corporeità, automatismi: modelli filosofici e modelli matematici tra Deleuze, Spinoza e Merleau-Ponty (2020); Endosimbiosi e filosofia in Lynn Margulis (2020)].


Address: Strada Maggiore, 56 – 40125 Bologna

Phone: + 39 340 5658357

Email: igor.pelgreffi@univr.it
