Unlikely Families. The Inclusion of LGBT Families in Social Services Between Theories and Practices

How do LGBT+ families challenge routine professional practice with couples and families? How to build LGBT-inclusive environments for children and adults?

LGBT couples, as well as children living with same-sex parents or transgender parents, present an unexpected and unknown world to many professionals in healthcare, social and educational services across Europe. These new forms of kinship and parenting challenge longstanding attitudes and expectations regarding family and gender roles. The 2016 report of the UE Fundamental Rights Agency highlights the key role of practitioners in protecting and promoting LGBT fundamental rights, as well as the need for pre-service and in-service training on family diversity and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

The multiplier event of the Doing Right(s) project, co-funded by the European Union, is a training opportunity for professionals working with families and involves both contributions from experts and a theatre-forum workshop on the encounter between gay and lesbian parents and service providers.

Room SMT01
Polo Santa Marta
Via Santa Marta, 6 – Verona

